I have been busy writing a course for you. It's called 'Stressed to Blessed'. You can probably guess what it's about!
But what content does it contain? To give you taster of what's in it I'm giving away a 10 step free Ebook. The key points are:
Learn compassion and self empowerment
Build habits of awareness and strength
Practice physical and mental exercises to create everyday wellness
How does all this happen? With encouragement, discipline and daily application.
If you are stressed, tired, don't sleep well are worried or suffering from grief or depression this could be for you.
Have you ever experienced panic attacks, anxiety/anger, shortness of breath or over thinking?
Are your muscles achey or tight? Or do you get headaches?
Are you just interested in empowering yourself with tools for calm and wellbeing?
As I said this taster is free so you can download it and experience if the methods will work for you with no obligations.
I will also be launching a monthly podcast on the 16th July which you can gain access to. The podcasts will be talking all things around the subject of 'Wellness'. What that means, how we bring this into our lives and I will recommend books that can help us experience this everyday even though we are busy.
To get your free 'Stressed to Blessed' taster Ebook subscribe here